
Tuesday 27 March 2012

Potato, Egg & Ham Salad

 Have you ever had those previously cooked, cold and dryish potatoes in your fridge and didn't know what to do with them? They're not good when you heat them in the microwave, and only slightly better when you cook them on a frying pan. This is what I did with them.

First I came across this salad when dating Keshi and her mother did this salad. I remember liking it but I had never done it myself. Yes, I have had potato salad before but the commercial one you get in Finland is totally different. So I took the basic potato and egg salad of my mother-in-law's and tweaked it a bit. Here's the result and let me say, it was good!

Potato, egg and ham salad


5 medium potatoes (cooked and chilled)
3 hard boiled eggs
5 slices of ham (~50g)
5 tbls of mayonnaise
1 tsp of mustard
pinch of salt
½ tsp of (black) pepper
a clove of garlic
½ tsp of olive oil

1) Boil the eggs. I would recommend you to boil them like this: put the eggs into a saucepan and cover them with cold water. Bring them to boil and turn the heat off, leaving the eggs to be in the hot water, covered with a tight lid. Keep them covered for 20 minutes. Of course you can cook them however you want but I found this to be a good way to cook them. The yolks didn't dry up.

2) While the eggs are cooking, peel the boiled potatoes and cut them into cubes of desired size. Don't cut them too small 'cos we don't want mashed potatoes. Size of about 1 cubic centimeter should be fine (no ruler required).

3) When you're done with the potatoes, chop the garlic into very small pieces. Then cut the ham into nice bitesize cubes. I used sliced ham and I just cut it smaller as seen in the picture. Put it then into a small bowl and mix it together with the olive oil and chopped garlic. Leave to marinate for a little while.

4) Now your eggs should be cooked. Keep them under cold, running water so that they'll cool down. Then peel them and cut them like you cut the potatoes.

5) Mix togeter the mayonnaise, mustard, salt and pepper. Put all the ingredients into a mixing bowl and carefully mix everything together. Be gentle because you want the eggs and the potatoes to remain as cubes.

6) You may serve this immediately, although it'll be better if you let it set in fridge for about 30 minutes before serving.

This would go great with sausages. I actually graved for some spicy sausages like Chorizos to go with this but unfortunately they weren't available :| better luck next time!

- Juho

Keshi says: IT WAS SO UNBELIEVABLY GOOD. That is all that can be said! :)

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